Went to Aunty Ezza's place today. She announced in her
blog that she's hosting a wedding reception for her son. She didn't know we were coming....we just wanted to surprise her. Heheheh...hope you don't mind, Aunty Ezza.
Aunty Ezza (right) was all smiles greeting Aunty IAmPrincipal (left) and Aunty Yatt. Ooops...Aunty Yatt was about to leave then, so it was hallo and goodbye. |
The bride and groom resplendent in blue.... |
Some of the guests tucking into the delectable lunch buffet spread. |
Delicious laksa..... |
Finger lickin' good beef kurma, spicy fried chicken, sambal ikan bilis petai (anchovies in chili with stinky beans), masak lemak nenas (pineapple in bird chili gravy), grilled fish......yummy dishes served with white rice. Eh, how come I didn't capture the dessert spread? |
Oooohhh...I love babies...and got distracted by this handsome young man. |
Oh yeah...the mob! har har har *evil laughs*
Angelina's note: We had fun at the wedding. However, when we got home, we got word that a very dear neighbour of ours back in Sydney had passed away. Ustaz Malek lived just a few doors away from our old home. Rest in peace, dear uncle.
Oh nice!!! I love weddings...especially the Bunga Telur and all the lovely rituals/traditions...Take care and stay in touch.
Are you back in Malaysia? Bole kelik kampung sokmolah..
I suka pegi wedding. The best part is makan timelah of course. I suka makan!!!
Aunty Paula,
We still owe you a raincheck! *winks* purrr....meow!
Aunty Rosmawati,
Kalau Abang Madan dengan Angelina boleh buat kenduri camni tak? purrr...meow!
TK Sensei,
Yes, we're in town. purrr....meow!
that looked like a wonderful wedding! You know one of the things (of many) that I love about your blog? It often includes FOOD!!! Glorious food! xoxo
Joy and sadness all in one day.
Nubbin wiggles,
pssttt...kem salam kat budak kecit yg handsome tu ekk ;)
memang big surprise bila nampak you datang.....macam mimpi betul...aduiii
tapi puteh tak da rumah...dia tak suka orang ramai2 so dia pergi rumah bini no 20 dia..har har har...
Thanks for coming CIS...
nanti kita gather2 lagi ngan makcik blogger pulak...
Sensed the wedding,
sent out feelers..
nothing was forthcoming..
so sunday jadilah satu hari
berlengkor atas sofa..
setelah tiket F1 diserahkan..
kepada yang lebih memerlukan!?
P.S. The last wedding at Ezza.. ari tu saya ada kesana..
enjoy the kenduri fest angelina and brad and of course ur mama...
Aunty Caren,
That's why the whole family is...errr....obese....ooops....overweight! Too much food! purrrr....meow!
Aunty Naz,
CAKKKKKKKKK!!!! purrr....meow!
Oskar dear,
Yeah...that's how life is.... But we shall soldier on. purrr....meow!
Aunty Meoww,
Nanti kita bagitahu Aunty Ezza. Tak sempat tanya nama pun...tapi memang hensem! purrr....meow!
Aunty Ezza,
Puteh dah ada 20 orang bini? Mak datuk! Oh....ku tak sanggup bermadu 21. purrrr....meow!
Ayoh Wang,
Makang sedap wei be'wah hok ning. Rugi dok maghi. purrr...meow!
m.q. dear,
Yes, we enjoyed the kenduri. We're getting into the groove of life in Malaysia now. purrr....meow!
Ezza's blog says only 200 were invited.. ha ada rahmat nya saya tak ceroboh bekwah tu ;)
bestnya! sorry i wasnt able to make the trip.. u know kan..
Ayoh Wang,
Banyok makanangnyer, saje nok meghioh lar. purrr....meow!
tq for the picture
Ishhh...alangkah bagus nya if Aunty Kay tak busy ala-ala YB gitu kan! Jelessss nya tengok them yummylicious food!!
Aunty Puteri,
Sampai hari ni masih *burp*. Sedakkk sungguhlah. purrr....meow!
Aunty IAmPrincipal,
The pleasure is ours. purrr....meow!
Aunty Kay,
Kat function YB takleh makan tanpa rasa segan dan malu....ahaks! purrr...meow!
I saw your Mama in the last pic! Huhuhuhu....
Miss her!
Hey, finally you've settled in ! :D How's your new place ? Noisy with all the other felines ? Congratulations to the newlyweds !
Aunty Ahan,
Shhhhhhh! purrr....meow!
Tante Sandy,
Mama's tutoring us on the culture. Wedding is one of them lessons. purrr...meow!
selamat pengantin baru ..
klu dijemput insyallah sampai klu tk berapa jauh dari tempat aby ...
lovely site. Im a cat artist by day and musician/writer by night.
Beautiful cats on the sidebar :)
Crying With A Sense Of Human
Uncle Aby,
Kalau Angelina yang kawin, mesti jemput punya! Tapi kan, tunang ada 3, boyfriend ada ramai...tak tau nak pilih. purrr....meow!
Hi Rivercat! Welcome to my crazy world. purrr....meow!
What a great wedding lunch, Kitties! Angelina, don't you think it would be fun to give you away in a bunga telur? Open up the packaging and out you POP! Purrrr Meow!
Selamat Pengantin Baru to the Newlyweds!
Aunty Yatt suka jumpa mama Angelina hari tu and pot pet pot pet ngan dia.
I fancy myself as the pop up girl at Prince William's stag party. What say you? purrr....meow!
Aunty Yatt,
Oh dear...there's no stopping my Mama once she starts pot-petting. She wasn't bitching about me, I hope. purrrr....meow!
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